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So uh, yeah :)


I want to preface these by saying I wrote a lot of these down and kinda just stopped writing, so uh yeah :>

Eventually I'll come back and finish my thoughts but for now look at my insane unfinished ramblings.

Sonic Superstars

I want to preface this by stating that I like Sonic.

Sonic has often been a series that I more often preferred when compared to a series like Mario.

Now nothings ever really been wrong with Mario, but Sonic almost always had something special about it.

Sonic 3&K has honestly been one of my favorite games from its era of games, truly a great one.

Trust me though this has a point to it. Sonic Superstars honestly to me, its just a worse and less interesting version of Sonic Mania.

TMNT Mutant Mayhem

I like the turtles normally. Normally they are fine, enjoyable even sometimes.

Not in that movie.

Pokemon DLC Round 1

Would you look at that the pokemon dlc came out! (like 3-4 days ago as of writing this but shhh).

Point is I played it, and it honestly was a good amount of fun compared to what I was expecting.

Hey look at that more Blog Content! (May 20th)

So this is a bit of recent news (probably dated by the time this is up), but about Pokemon Home.

Now I love Pokemon, (you've seen my Art Page you know this) but the way the Pokemon Company is handling this situation is, not the best for certain.

The way that next to no information is being given out other than just "Soon" is just, not the way to do this.

I'll give the Japanese Pokemon Company this, they at least give an update of "We are currently making final preparations for the service." Meanwhile the English one only gives, again, "Soon"

I certainly understand that there are going to be misunderstandings or miscommunications in companies, it's natural. But there definetly are better ways that this could have been handled.

Not sure what else I can say, just kinda wanted to rant about this for a little bit. I have no say over what such a big company like the Pokemon Company does.

That's all for this I believe, if new info comes out I'll be sure to add onto it here. Bye for now.

Heyo, starting this today, (April 6th).

Saw the Mario Movie too, honestly liked it a fair amount. Wasn't like Peak Fiction or anything but still a good movie.

There were a good amount of things I liked that I'll go into detail on. (avoid this for spoilers even though by the time I actually get this site hosted it'll likely be on DVD.)

A couple things I liked were

  1. The fact that you can very clearly tell there was a load of care put into this from the source material. But surprisingly not in an extremely cheesy way.
  2. The fact that Peach was not just this Damsel in Distress type character. While also not being JUST the strong woman type character either.
  3. I liked Toad
  4. Like I really liked Toad he was a fun character.

Those were most of the important things that I liked. However on to what I didn't.

  1. Wasn't a fan of Chris Pratt Mario (what a shocker)
  2. Also wasn't that much a fan of how things were established then just never brought up again. Like how Peach apparently isn't from the Mushroom Kingdom (which makes sense). But it's never really brought up again.
  3. Another issue is the pacing. Things kind of just happen really quickly and then don't get brought up again. Part of this I feel is an issue of the run-time only being a shocking hour and fourty-four minutes.
  4. Yet another issue I have is that not a lot of characters got a lot of screen time. Characters that were established (like Diddy Kong for example) are sort of just established then are, yet again never really brought up again.

Anyway that's all I can really think of right now. Definitley still liked it despite my complaints.