10/17/24 Not a lot to say Gone for another 10 days huh. Not much to say that's new. Been kinda busy with life shit ya know.
One cool thing though, finally broke down and went back to social media in the form of Bluesky.
It's still a bit weird adjusting to being back to social media after around a 2 year break, but you can find my account here.
Nothing else really for today though, I have some more changes planned, but not really anything concrete yet.
10/5/24 - 10/6/24 I am very good at this yesyes Was gone for a while again huh.
Well new things have come here, with a redone navigation, a new background (that was a pain to set up, and even now isn't great), and probably more I'm forgetting.
Anyway mostly just writing to state that I am attempting to put more work into this website again, and that today has brought some new changes.
That's all I think though, so see ya i guess.
8/8/24 Been a while, hasn't it? Been quite a while since the last update, and honestly not a lot to show for it really. As always, the PvZ pages have been getting the most reworking, and not a lot else has happened over basically the last two months. Wish I could do more here, but I haven't wanted to devote as much time to this site recently due to other things taking more of a forefront this summer. I'll keep on trying, see what I can do to make this a better site but, no promises.
Not a lot else for today, will update later if anything comes up. See ya.
6/9/24 - 6/10/24 Just writing this up in the middle of the day, been working on cleaning up this page, going through and making everything inside blocks, cleaning some of my mistakes too (i usually write these late at night, if at all). Been also cleaning up the bolding of most of the text, as I said last time, it's a very time consuming process.
Other than that, there hasn't been a whole lot going on, just been playing Paper Mario, been liking TTYD a lot.
Well, see ya.
6/1/24: Couple Things to Update One, as I was preparing to write this, accidentally made all the text on this page bolded. oopsies :3
Other things are as follows:
- Been working on this off and on (most nav is button based now wow)
- Made a new page in the PvZ Almanac
- Been ocassionally busy with IRL things as per usual
- Also had a day where pretty much every emotion came out at once, that kinda sucked tbh
Yeah if that doesn't sum up why I haven't done a formal update in a while idk what would.
Uhhh, happy Pride Month though, thats a nice way to end this off even though I feel like I vaugely overshared even though I most likely did not.
Eh, see ya
(I'll fix on this page being bolded soon, just give me time, it gets tedious very quickly and tbh i have no idea how it happened)
5/15/24: Turns out that did happen Again didn't do a whole lot today, been busy and generally just tired. But working on this when I can and want.
Made the Vault Page idea I mentioned yesterday, and put the Blog Archive there now. Still completely accessible, and only the CSS changed. So everythings all good.
Not a whole lot else to add. Think I just want to go to sleep now to be honest.
Well, see ya.
5/14/24: Didn't get to do a whole lot today, was just adding little bits here and there. I think I know what I'll do after yesterday's whole situation.
What I'll do is, as a final little sendoff for it, (and just as a general need), I'll update the CSS behind the Blog Page (its still quite a bit behind in comparison). After that I think I'll put it away for a while.
I know how I want to do that now, as I'm going to make a little vault page where old pages go to be remembered. After that I think I'll clean up the navigation.
This might happen tomorrow but I'm doubtful. We'll see.
See ya.
5/13/24: Woooo Been reworking behind the scenes stuff again. I know that stuff is hard to/near impossible to notice on the front end, but hey I'm trying here.
Just a random thought now, but it seems I've been more or less neglecting certain pages more and more recently. Pages like the Blog and Art Pages haven't really been touched aside from the occasional minor or silly edit, not including site-wide stuff (even then I've been known to forget).
Ever since the art page got split into the PvZ page and the same with the Blog Page and the Game Collage page. The former can likely be put up to having an obsession, but the latter is just, Imthink nowadays I'm not good about maintaining a blog. I don't particularly like sharing details of my life, and even without that I have many, many random stray thoughts. Even with that I still struggle to want to write that all out because, well what's the point? Why should I share any of this? It's not like I realistically have anything new to say or anything.
We'll have to see what I do about that in the future. Anyways, see ya.
So uh, quick note. I wrote this really late at night, and as you might be able to tell, started getting more negative as it went on. Eventually after that I started having an identity crisis again sooo, yay! (talkin about about the May 13th one btw)
5/10/24: May have not formally updated this in a while Not a lot to say, just wanted to formally update again, continued to update the PvZ stuff, and updated a couple other things on the way.
Just been doing either some behind the scenes stuff, or just working on the PvZ stuff, and as such not focusing on this as much.
Anyway, Until next time, see ya.
3/23/24: PvZ stuff Back at it again with the white vans. (why did i feel the need to say that??)
Added a page today where all the PvZ stuff went to live instead of the art page.
Been also working on that more so its been updated more and more.
That's really all for today though.
Until next time, see ya.
3/17/24: Back to the Regular Update Schedule Back again, just updating some of the content, nothing much else though.
Did get rid of the spinny on all the pages, and put it in the main content of the Main Page.
Other than that though, just been some content updates and fiddling with the css and some layout. Not much else to say.
Until next time, see ya.
3/10/24: Workin a bit more Just working on some more stuff, swapped out that rowlet gif for a new sylveon one.
Also attempted to clean up some of my organization but that kinda messed things up sooo.
Other than that, no real changes to report I think. I'll be working through specific errors when I can.
Eventually I do hope to clean up some of the presentation for this website, make it less plain, more me.
Would help if I could figure out who "me" is but that is neither here nor there.
Until next time, see ya.
3/9/24: Would you look at that! Hey look at that this site exists now! Currently this site exists on NeoCities. Very neat site to say the least.
Other than that though, not much else is different from the last time it was updated, other than the fact that I forgot to mention something last time. The Art Page has been seperated into multiple pages, as some often are very large in nature. Other than that though I got nothing.
Until next time, see ya.
10/5/23 - 10/8/23:Changing the shit again, both the layout and design.
Got nothin else here.
6/3/23: Probably going to stop doing the day number thing now.Heyo I be back to working on this yet again.
Basically things have been happening but that isn't all that important to this.
Two updates to put here
- I've switched over to using Visual Studio instead of Notepad++. Thats all there.
- I've also begun redoing the CSS for this. It used to look like this.
At the moment the Blog Page is still as it was, though I imagine I'll do it and just forget to write it here.
Which at the moment looks like this:
Anyway that's all for now
Until next time, see ya.
5/20/23: ???th DayHey there, working on this site again. Been attempting to focus back on my things again, so I've been trying to work on this again.
Today (and yesterday for that matter) I've been working on the CSS stuff behind the scenes on the all the stuff. Mostly added layout changes along with a bit of content changes.
As for over the past month, I've been busy with multiple things to say the least. But it doesn't really matter I guess.
Until next time, see ya.
So things being the way that they are have led me to not really have as much time to dedicate to this as I would like. Aside from yesterday, the only real changes were those of new additions to the Art Page .
Yesterday however I did begin at least trying to add more to the CSS side of things here. For one the color of the Navigation actually changes when hovered over like it's supposed to.
Not sure how much more I'll get done tonight (it's literally 10 pm as of writing this), and not sure about tomorrow as I plan to finally mod my 2ds. We'll see though.
Also finally upgrade my Switches storage space from 32gb to 64gb so that's cool I guess. Not all that important though.
Until next time, see ya.
Yet again didn't really add anything today. So much for working on this over Spring Break.
Did see the Mario Movie today though. Pretty good I'd say. Probably adding a section on the blog page so that something can be there other than the Game Collages.
Until next time, see ya.
Gonna be honest with you I do not think I added literally anything today.
Just kinda forgot about it for this day.
Until next time, see ya.
Didn't do literally anything here yesterday. Didn't get around to it really, was busy talking to a friend for the most part.
Been working a bit today though. New art is in the "Pokemon Infinite Fusion Sprites" and "Other Standalone Sprites" sections of the Art Page . As well as the Meme Art but that isn't as important.
Spring Break is almost here though as of writing, so maybe more updates will come then aside from the occasional new piece of art or game completed. Who knows though, I am a copious procrastinator.
Until next time, see ya.
Forgot to actually write yesterdays update lol. Wrote it before beginning this one though so it's fine.
So far today I've been working on the Art Page yet again (added the PokeDoodles section this time), but the day is early as of writing this.
Until next time, see ya.
Give it up for day number 4! Not much done today, was busy doing other things mostly. Though it is April Fools Day today, honestly I'm not a big fan of it though. Just an excuse to be mean mostly. I'm actually writing this the day after and I don't actually think I did anything with this on the first.
Fun times, fun times. It's fine though I'm working on it now (April 2nd)
Until next time, see ya.
Third day working on this site, momentum is somehow slowing down even more. Only things truly done were updates to the art page and blog page.
Honestly I'm just tired from the previous days from this week. However I'll go around and try to update the CSS for the pages, we'll see how it goes.
Until next time, see ya.
As in the previous day most of the code behind the site was made (bar the CSS code, I'm getting to it), not many updates have come up today.
However I'm still trying to do something, as I've been working a bit on the Blog Page with the Game Collage for this year.
We'll have to see though, as I've been a bit busy otherwise today. Oh well.
Also at this point, the Main Page is still empty aside from the navigation elements. I don't know just thought that'd be funny to point out.
Until next time, see ya.
First day working on the site, mostly working on the Art Page, as that is easiest to work on at the start.
It's a bit later in the day now, so this may be all for now.
Until next time, see ya.
yes I'm blatanly using the ending to most of the Serebii.net blog posts. no I'm not going to stop right now as I cannot think of anything else right now lol.