Art Page

Sonic Vector Drawings

vector drawing of sonic and tails in a christmas themed zone, with a giant christmas tree in the background. there is a single penguinator badnik in the scene, and two streetlamps, each with string lights hanging off of them going into the ground. there are also christmas tree-like branches protruding from the ground, one of which sonic is bouncing off of in order to reach higher ground.sonic and knuckles in a halloween themed zone, with a giant purple and orange loop in the background. there is also a large foggy forest in the background, with the moon as well. there is also a tree right in front of the camera, and many vines in front of the groundsonic in starlight zone, facing towards a suspiciously eggman shaped version of scrap brain zone, from Sonic 1ice cap :)

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Sprites

Hypno/Omanyte Honedge/Squirtle Fraxure/Hitmontop Haxorus/Hitmontop Doublade/Wartortle Scizor/Hitmontop Grovyle/Hitmontop Ninjask/Hitmontop Magnezone/Hitmontop Dragonite/Alakazam Deoxys/Hitmontop Reuniclus/Hitmontop Gliscor/Hitmontop Scyther/Hitmontop Midnight Lycanroc/Hitmontop Blaziken/Hitmontop New Fraxure/Hitmontop Cacturne/Hitmontop Cresselia/Porygon2 Mr.Mime/Hitmontop Hitmontop Custom Base Electrode/Hitmontop Vaporeon/Porygon2

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