Site Updates Page


2/12/24 Funny story, forgot for another two months.

As you can tell I am very good at this

But, I've been cleaning up as many pages as I can (only I believe two are left now?), and hopefully this is better than it was. I have no idea!

idk what else to say lol

12/12/24 Woops, gone for 2 months again!

Anyway, updating some of the pages on the site (currently just this page, the home page, and the pvz page). Making it easier to navigate especially in the code side of things.

Not a whole lot to say otherwise, but the older versions of the site are still in tact on here, and actually still acessible. However the main pages shouldn't be too different.

10/17/24 Not a lot to say

Gone for another 10 days huh. Not much to say that's new. Been kinda busy with life shit ya know.

One cool thing though, finally broke down and went back to social media in the form of Bluesky.

It's still a bit weird adjusting to being back to social media after around a 2 year break, but you can find my account here.

Nothing else really for today though, I have some more changes planned, but not really anything concrete yet.

10/5/24 - 10/6/24 I am very good at this yesyes

Was gone for a while again huh.

Well new things have come here, with a redone navigation, a new background (that was a pain to set up, and even now isn't great), and probably more I'm forgetting.

Anyway mostly just writing to state that I am attempting to put more work into this website again, and that today has brought some new changes.

That's all I think though, so see ya i guess.

8/8/24 Been a while, hasn't it?

Been quite a while since the last update, and honestly not a lot to show for it really. As always, the PvZ pages have been getting the most reworking, and not a lot else has happened over basically the last two months. Wish I could do more here, but I haven't wanted to devote as much time to this site recently due to other things taking more of a forefront this summer. I'll keep on trying, see what I can do to make this a better site but, no promises.

Not a lot else for today, will update later if anything comes up. See ya.